Have some fun

Best Dating Sites for men and women over 40, Canberra first date chemistry. Book your in person free consultation in our Sydney office

Have some fun

There is so much gloom and doom around right now.Being told “dont do this,dont do that” Billionaires and more wealthy,sophisticated people have learnt to make the most of these conditions to play and enjoy themselves in the,most sensible and private ways.More sexy and exclusive locations are now available.Less crowds are around and more  expensive wines,food and scotches have become cheaper.This can be for home consumption or for fun entertainment with a special date.Billionaire Club is not effected by quarantines.We have less than 10 people in the office.We are all well and fit and have our temperatures tested daily..Make the best use of this uncertain time and date a great lady or gent.No need to go out into the crowds to meet someone and discussions with your introduction can decide where you want to go to play.Our staff are very undertstanding of your needs and check our membership files for the best and most secure introduction for you..Time for being more socially selective.

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